yesterday was funn :D
lols church will always be nice.
not only friends ,, but only there i find my peace.
only there that i will be able to feel my lord and hear his peace at the highest.
also i wont forget :D
friends i madde there xD
you rock guys xD
theres one super loves to take pictures de
hahas in the end i took his pic ,,

he is NOT normal xD
normal people will turn away when people tries to take their pictures without them noticing rite?
when i took his pic,, he turned ova :P
LOL so dumbdumb.
today was flag day.
it was kindda fun,, loved itt quite alot ba.
me, alvin, james, tqh, kenneth, charlie :], zhan hua and dolly,, we started together.
it was quite stupid to walk in such a large groupe de..
but we still did it hahas [ we ARE stupidd ]
i started with the least,10 ... cents :]
they all gort loads of money in their can man!
obviously,, we started slacking even before we collected any money.
we was kinnda playfull so we played basketball for quite awhile lols.
then we started to stick our stickers on our tins,
im the MORE creative guy there xD
so i act smart go stick on my cap -.-
then i ran into the 'mama shop'(mini mart) and started collecting money from the uncle :x
they came in eventually.
then wanna make uncle pokai.
all call him donate -.-
hahas we went to woodlands then started slacking again.
this time in mac.
so cool sia, i had my second breakfirst there -.-
we slacked for duno how long then went up to collect donations again.
lols it was fun, but it takes quite alot of courage to ask ppl.
im SO afrain that ill get REJECTED :]
hahas they where all kind hearted :]
some gave 10 cents and some gave 2 dollars xD
they are cool man
i was so supprised that someone will give a 2dollars donation there.
lols eventually the rest of them slacked again.
i did not man!
i kept on going hahas.
but im now also sick of the phrase ' excuse me sir / mdm, would you like to make a donation?,, thank you !' hahas so sian.
then we gave to tins back at aroud 12 ++ then i headded home ,, thatts all ba.
even i had that good time...
what for?...
i mean you wasnt there...
all i want is you to be happy...
just stay happy okayes?.